
Olivier Aubert
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Fingerprint: 07A4 3EE3 5BDD 9DB5 4490 53A9 D489 FCE5 E532 BB23
Academic contact
LS2N (UMR 6004) - Polytech Nantes
Rue Christian Pauc

44306 NANTES Cedex 3
Mél :
ORCID 0000-0001-8204-1567
OpenPGP/GPG key: 472B13CE
Fingerprint: 13D7 CAFF 3E0D 9766 9A67 6910 1AE9 9983 472B 13CE

Knowledge engineering consulting - Research and development

Une version française de cette description (avec des réalisations supplémentaires) est visible sur la page dédiée à mon activité de consultant.

As an engineer and holding a PhD in computer science, I can help you set up a relevant exploitation of your data: from the modeling of information to its collection, cleaning, exploration and visualization, to serve as a support for their analysis. In order to make your data “speak”, one of the challenges is to make them intelligible, via interactive and dedicated presentations that I can design and / or develop. Reflection on the issues of information modeling and visualization can also shed new light and new questions on research practices.

A practitioner of interdisciplinarity, I can interact with and bridge the gap between different communities, taking advantage of my experience built through projects related to Digital Humanities, media studies, education, arts...

I can bring contributions in different phases of your projects: questioning practices, finding innovative solutions, setting up experimental or operational devices, analysis of uses, scientific promotion ...

Do not hesitate to contact me to discuss your concerns.


Digital Humanities Document engineering Knowledge engineering Audiovisual annotation Hypervideos Dataviz Activity traces Learning Analytics User-centered systems


Journal articles

  • , , , . Entretien avec Olivier Aubert et Françoise Rubellin. « Comme de la pâte à modeler » - dialogue sur les humanités à l’âge du numérique. in Nouvelles études sur les lieux de spectacle de la première modernité, St Andrews Studies in French History and Culture vol. 1, pp.177-186. ⟨online, PDF
  • , , , , , , , . Fabriquer une carte interactive pour l’édition numérique sans coder. Premiers pas du logiciel CartABl et perspectives. in Cartes & géomatique, 2024, Le printemps des cartes à Montmorillon (mai 2023), 255, pp.99-107. ⟨hal-04648888, PDF
  • , , , . XEmotion : saisir l’expérience sensible. . in Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées (RIHM) - Journal of Human Mediated Interactions Europia, 2020, 21 (2), pp.59-82. (, online RIHM, PDF).
  • , , , , . Conversation pour l’éternité : Grand Témoin, hologramme et IA. in Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées (RIHM) - Journal of Human Mediated Interactions Europia, 2019, 20 (2), pp.1-31. ().
  • , . REMIND : une méthode pour comprendre la micro-dynamique de l’expérience des visiteurs de musées. in Revue des Interactions Humaines Médiatisées (RIHM) - Journal of Human Mediated Interactions, , Europia, 2017, 17 (2), pp.43-70 ().
  • , , . CHM: an Annotation- and Component-based Hypervideo Model for the Web. in Multimedia Tools and Applications, , 10.1007/s11042-012-1177-y ().
  • , , , () Active reading and hypervideo production. Multimedia Systems Journal, Special Issue on Canonical Processes of Media Production. 6 pp, 2008 (PDF).
  • et . Des vidéos aux hypervidéos : vers d’autres interactions avec les médias audiovisuels.TSI, numéro spécial Document numérique, Vol 25, n°4, , pp. 409-436. (PDF)
  • et . Documents audiovisuels instrumentés - temporalités et détemporalisations dans les hypervidéos. Document Numérique numéro 4, volume 8 : numéro spécial Temps et document numérique, . 25 pp. ()

International conferences

  • Olivier Aubert, Joscha Jaeger Making Parliamentary Debates More Accessible: Aligning Video Recordings with Text Proceedings in Open Parliament TV in ParlaCLARIN IV Workshop on Creating, Analysing, and Increasing Accessibility of Parliamentary Corpora (2024) (PDF, Slides)
  • , . Collaboration, Preservation and Sustainability in Digital Humanities: a question of time. in Digital Humanities (DH) 2023, Graz, (PDF, Slides).
  • , , , , , , , . Designing LADs That Promote Sensemaking: A Participatory Tool. EC-TEL 2022: European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, , Toulouse, France. pp.587-593.
  • , , . Instrumental genesis through interdisciplinary collaboration – reflections on the emergence of a visualisation framework for video annotation data. accepted in 2nd International Conference of the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH), Krasnoyarsk, Russia, (PDF, Slides).
  • , , , . Decision Support to Crowdsourcing for Annotation and Transcription of Ancient Documents: The RECITAL Workshop. accepted in 2nd International Conference of the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH), Krasnoyarsk, Russia, (PDF, Slides).
  • , , . Success prediction in MOOCs: A case study. in EDM 2019, Educational Data Mining Conference, Montreal, Canada, ().
  • Daniel Schmitt, Virginie Blondeau, Muriel Meyer-Chemenska, Olivier Aubert, Hachimi Abba. REMIND Group : objectiver son expérience pour concevoir des projets In H2PTM 2017, Oct. 2017.
  • Hugo Mougard, Matthieu Riou, Colin de la Higuera, Solen Quiniou, Olivier Aubert. The Paper or the Video: Why Choose? In Semantics, Analytics, Visualisation: Enhancing Scholarly Data Workshop, co-located with WWW2015, Florence, Italy, 2015.
  • Olivier Aubert, Joscha Jaeger. Annotating Video with Open Educational Resources in a Flipped Classroom Scenario. OpenCourseWare Conference Global 2014. (article, slides, demo).
  • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié, Camila Canellas. Leveraging video annotations in video-based e-learning. in 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Barcelona, Spain, April 2014 (article, slides, HAL).
  • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié, Daniel Schmitt. Advene as a Tailorable Hypervideo Authoring Tool: a Case Study. in ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Paris, sep. 2012, 4p. (PDF, slides)
  • Benoît Encelle, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Yannick Prié, Olivier Aubert. Models for Video Enrichment. Short paper in ACM DocEng. Mountain View, California. Sept 2011.
  • Madjid Sadallah, Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. Component-based Hypervideo Model: high-level operational specification of hypervideos. Short paper in ACM DocEng. Mountain View, California. Sept 2011.
  • Madjid Sadallah, Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié. Hypervideo and Annotations on the Web. in Workshop on Multimedia on the Web 2011. Graz, Austria. Sept 2011. (PDF)
  • B. Encelle, Y. Prié, O Aubert. Annotations pour l’accessibilité des vidéos dans le cas du handicap visuel. In Handicap 2010, Paris. 2010.
  • Olivier Aubert and Yannick Prié and Pierre-Antoine Champin (2008) Advene, une plate-forme ouverte pour la construction d’hypervidéos. Ludovia 2008, Ax-les-Thermes, aug. 2008. 10 pp.
  • Yannick Prié and Olivier Aubert and Bertrand Richard (2008) Démonstration : Advene, un outil pour la lecture active audiovisuelle. IHM’2008, Metz, sep. 2008. 9 pp. (PDF)
  • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié (2007) Annotations de documents audiovisuels - Temporalisation et spatialisation. Atelier Interfaces pour l’annotation et la manipulation d’objets temporels : une comparaison des outils et des paradigmes dans le domaine musical et cinématographique, IHM07, Paris, nov. 2007, 2pp. (PDF)
  • Olivier Aubert, Pierre-Antoine Champin, and Yannick Prié (2006). Integration of semantic web technology in an annotation-based hypervideo system. SWAMM 2006, First International Workshop on Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia, 2006. 12 pp. (PDF, slides)
  • Olivier Aubert, Yannick Prié (2007) Advene: an open-source framework for integrating and visualising audiovisual metadata . Open Source Competition: Technical presentation and overview paper. Proc. of ACM Multimedia Conference, Augsburg, sept. 2007, 4 pp.
  • Olivier Aubert and Yannick Prié. Advene: active reading through hypervideo. ACM HyperText 05, September 2005.
  • Olivier Aubert and Yannick Prié. Des hypervidéos pour créer et échanger des analyses de documents audiovisuels. H2PTM’05, Nov-Dec 2005.
  • Olivier Aubert and Yannick Prié. From video information retrieval to hypervideo management. In Proceedings of Corimedia, the international workshop on multidisciplinary image, video, and audio retrieval and mining, October 2004. 10 pp
  • Olivier Aubert, Pierre-Antoine Champin, et Yannick Prié. Advene : une plate-forme pour l’édition et la visualisation d’hypervidéos. Dans Journée Modèles documentaires de l’audiovisuel, juin 2004. 9 pp
  • Olivier Aubert and Antoine Beugnard. The Adaptive Strategy Design Pattern. In Proceedings of the Second Australian Conference of Pattern Languages and Programs (KoalaPLoP 2001), Melbourne, Australia, May 2001. 14 pp

Book chapters

  • Daniel Schmitt, Blondeau Virginie, Muriel Meyer-Chemenska, Olivier Aubert, Hachimi Abba (2017) REMIND Group : objectiver son expérience pour concevoir des projets in Sylvie Leleu-Merviel, Yves Jeanneret, Imad Saleh, Nasreddine Bouhaï. Le numérique à l’ère des designs, de l’hypertexte à l’hyper-expérience, ISTE Editions, pp.360-375.

Other communications


I can share my knowledge and expertise in multiple areas, to a variety of audiences: students, researchers, practitioners...

Free Software

I develop and contribute mainly to Free/Libre Software. I am the main developer of the Advene video annotation software, the author and maintainer of the python-vlc bindings and have contributed to some projects such as:

Most of the software I produce is on my Github account.
