Annotation - one of the fundations of scholarship work
Page of the Codex Oxoniensis Clarkianus 39 (Clarke Plato). Dialogue Gorgias. Public Domain
annotation - information body (free text, constrained vocabulary, structured data, image, graphic…) linked to a target document through a selector
video annotation - selector = (spatio)temporal fragment of a video, defined by a MediaFragment URI
media studies
Advene - Mediascope - Lignes de Temps…
music studies
Travis, MusiqueLab…
Anvil - ELAN - Exmeralda - Transcriber…
ethology/behavioral studies
BORIS - VCode - Noldus/Observer - NVivo…
COCoNotes - Travis-Go - Lacuna stories - Mediathread…
social annotations
Vialogues - TurboNote - Reclipped…
computer science
vatic - LabelMe…
LongoMatch - Powerchalk - CoachLogic - SportsCode…
Annotate Digital Video, Exchange on the NEt
to be added to something or become a part of it, though inessential (Webster, 1913)
Create, use, exchange analyses of audiovisual documents as hypervideos
Mulholland Drive (2001) by David Lynch
No existing software – we had to make one
Generic import mechanism
Hypervideo publishing
Graphical annotation
Work with Livia Giunti for her PhD about digital tools and time representation in movies
Dedicated datavisualization
Objective: study visitor's perception of museum exhibits through analysis of visitor video interviews
Analysis process
Exploratory structuring
Analysis publication as custom hypervideo
A Case Study of Object and Occlusion Management on the eLabBench, a Mixed Physical/Digital Tabletop (Aurélien Tabard - University Lyon 1/CNRS)
Quantitative processing of graphical annotations
Dynamic annotation rendering through a Braille table
Your questions and remarks are welcome