clean 4.57 State of options : Config. file : ~/.cleanrc Output to : ~/.clean-history Interactive : off (-i) | Checking only : off (-c) Dir. recursion : on (!-n) | Report : on (-r) Stripping : off (-x) | Links following : off (-l) Del. inv. links : off (-z) | Del. empty dirs : off (-e) Dir. protection : on (!-u) | Perm. checking : off (-w) "all" option : off (-a) | Nice level : 0 (-g) Dir. emptying : off (-j) | Zip limit size : 512 Zip program : /usr/local/bin/gzip -9 -q File program : /usr/bin/file Strip program : /usr/ccs/bin/strip Strip files if age > 4 Files to erase : *~ | *% \#*\# | *.[Bb][Aa][Kk] textedit.* | core .nfs.* | *.bbl *.blg | *.aux *.log | *.lof *.toc | *.dvi (> 3 days) *.class | dead.letter .saves-\d+-* | Files to gzip : *.e?ps | *.shar *.tar | Directories to erase : None. Directories to empty (if -j is set): /users/enstb1/invites/aubert/.netscape/cache /tmp Protected directories: /users/enstb1/invites/aubert/pub/doc /users/enstb1/invites/aubert/public_html/perl Display levels: SECURITY, INTER, ERROR, STD, INFO, WARNING, DEBUG