# Note: there are two versions: one with short option name, the other # with long option names. aubert@aberildut:~>clean -h clean +----------------------------------------------------+ | version 4.57 : clean dir tree from undesirated | +----------------------------------------------------+ |Syntax: | | clean [options] [directory] | | | |Short Options (use --help to get the long ones) | | -a deletes even optionally deleted files | | -c check only | -d default options | | -e del. empty dirs | -h display help | | -l follows sym. links | -mmode use .cleanrc-mode | | -n no dir. recursion | -o prints options & exits| | -p process todo file | -r display the report | | -s runs in silent mode | -u unprotects prot.dirs. | | -v output to stdout | -w checks file perms | | -g[#] sets nice level to # (def.: 10) | | -x strips non-stripped executables | | -z deletes invalid symlinks | | -i asks wether to delete each file (interactive) | | -j Empties junk dirs (spec. by EMPTYDIR) | | -f[fname] saves a report of deleted files | | in fname (def. : $HOME/.clean-history) | | | | Long name options are accepted. | | To get the man page, use 'perldoc clean'. | | | | by OA94 Send bug reports and suggestions to | | Olivier.Aubert@enst-bretagne.fr | +----------------------------------------------------+ aubert@aberildut:~>clean --help clean 4.57 clean dir tree from undesirated Syntax: clean [options] [directory] Long options (use "clean -h" to get the short ones): --all : deletes even optionally deleted files. --check-only : check only, no actions are executed. --default : default options. --delete-empty-dir : delete empty directories. --output[=filename] : saves a report of deleted files into filename (default: $HOME/.clean-history). --gentle[=#] : sets nice level to # (def.: 10). --help : display help. --interactive : asks wether to delete each file. --empty-junk-dir : empties junk dirs (spec. by EMPTYDIR). --follow-symbolic-links : follow symbolic links. --mode=modename : use .cleanrc-mode --no-recursion : no directory recursion. --options : prints options and exits. --process-todo-file : processes todo file. --generate-report : displays a report. --silent, --quiet : runs in silent mode. --unprotect : temporarily unprotects protected dirs. --standard-output : output to stdout. --with-warnings : check file permissions. --strip-executables : strips non-stripped executables. --zap-invalid-links : deletes invalid symlinks. --code-dump : dumps generated code (debug option). --debug : displays debug messages.x --version : displays current version. To get the man page, use 'perldoc clean'. by OA94 Send bug reports and suggestions to Olivier.Aubert@enst-bretagne.fr